Loan Quality Control

More Than a Checklist—We Provide Guidance

Our loan QC specialists apply decades of experience and knowledge to loan review. Then they make themselves available to discuss the findings and the overall efficacy of your lending practices.

Using BSI CARES™, our proprietary quality control application, we perform pre- and post-closing quality control on loans and report findings at the Area of Accountability level. BSI CARES provides detailed reports of loan quality issues, enabling remedial training and policy review.

With BSI Financial, you will know where you stand when it comes to loan quality.


  • Pre- and post-funding loan quality control with reporting that satisfies investor guidelines
  • Loans reviewed for credit, documentation, collateral and compliance
  • Loan defects and severity ratings provided
  • Special violation indicators alert you to issues that can affect eligibility
  • All reviews processed through BSI CARES, our cloud-based order management platform

Discover how we can improve loan performance, reduce risk and make you more profitable. Contact Allen Price or Cindy Silva, or complete the form below to receive more information.

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